PAB - News and Information

Image of silhouettes of women and men in bright colors, facing different directions.

By Sister Judy Byron, OP, Portfolio Advisory Board Member and 
Maxwell Homans, Shareholder Advocacy Associate for Mercy Investments

February 18, 2025, Adrian, Michigan – Beginning in 2024, several prominent companies announced that they are ending or modifying their Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) programs aimed at hiring and supporting a more diverse workforce and supplier base. These announcements followed recent legal decisions regarding affirmative action programs, anti-DEI campaign rhetoric in the recent election cycle, and a flurry of anti-DEI shareholder proposals at companies in recent proxy seasons. 

Ford Motor Company was among the first to announce changes in its DEI programs, citing an “external and legal environment related to political and social issues [that] continues to evolve.” The Portfolio Advisory Board joined other investors in filing a shareholder proposal requesting that the company disclose analysis that the company undertook before making changes to its DEI policies and practices.
Ford’s announced changes included no longer participating in the Human Rights Campaign’s (HRC) survey on corporate practices related to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) employees; not linking compensation to diversity goals; and changing the focus of employee resource groups. 

In a subsequent meeting with Ford, the company assured investors that its commitment to diversity and inclusion is unwavering. The company said it has not put out a public clarification of its position because it wants to avoid feeding the media narrative grouping it with DEI rollbacks, but it immediately reached out to its largest investors to inform them of its continued commitment to DEI. 

Speaking with Ford to hear firsthand why the changes were made and how it plans to continue fostering a working environment based on belonging and individual potential was helpful. However, we anticipate that the proposal will remain on the proxy ballot and hope that Ford will use the opportunity to explain its decision publicly.

Walmart announced in December that it will be rolling back some of its DEI initiatives and modifying its DEI language while continuing to encourage “a sense of belonging” for its employees, customers, and suppliers. PAB and other investors have engaged with Walmart for more than 30 years, including numerous dialogues and proposals that flagged the business and financial risks to Walmart associated with systemic racism, discrimination, and inequity as well as the significant benefits of advancing DEI. 

On January 15, the PAB and other Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) investors sent an Investor Statement to CEO Doug McMillon and issued a press release expressing our deep disappointment regarding Walmart’s recent announcement about its DEI commitments. Subsequently, investors met with Walmart about its DEI program changes and we plan to continue engaging the company on that issue.

Early executive orders from the new Trump Administration have fueled fears that companies could come under federal investigation for their DEI programs and policies, and more companies, such as Target, have recently announced changes in their programs. We anticipate that urging companies to continue to prioritize DEI will be a significant focus for our engagements with U.S. companies for some time to come.

Two men and three women in business clothes stand together; the woman in the middle is holding a plaque.

By Mary Minette
PAB Consultant

December 16, 2024, New York, New York – Faith-based investors gathered in September for the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility’s (ICCR) annual fall conference to explore and collaborate on various topics impacting shareholder advocacy. Through shareholder advocacy, faith-based organizations buy shares of corporations, allowing them to advocate for the corporation’s adoption of just policies.

The conference focused in part on how companies adopt artificial intelligence (AI) tools and how AI affects people and communities. Panels focused on how investors can effectively engage companies to ensure users’ privacy and safety in light of increasing use of AI; the challenges and risks posed by the increased use of AI tools by health insurers to make coverage decisions for individuals; and on AI’s impact on public conversations and access to information in an election year that is key for the United States and many other countries. 

In addition, the conference included discussions of new and evolving issues: 

•    The impact of healthcare consolidation on coverage and care for patients, which highlighted real-world impacts through conversations with healthcare providers and recipients.

•    The increasing challenges investors face following the recent Supreme Court decision impeding the ability of federal agencies to issue common-sense regulations to protect public interests, as well as anti-environmental, social, and governance (ESG) legislation and lawsuits.

•    The suboptimal working conditions in the seafood industry. The panel included local labor organizations who delved into on-the-ground insight and provided shareholder actions.

•    Just transition, including a panel discussion by local organizations who discussed the impact of the development of wind energy on local economies.

The ICCR conference concluded with the organization’s annual event, "Navigating Troubled Waters: Corporate Political Responsibility in Turbulent Times." Corporate representatives spoke about how their organizations are navigating political discourse in our divided country.  

Most importantly, the annual event also included the awarding of ICCR’s Legacy Award to Pat Zerega of Mercy Investment Services, who has worked as a consultant to the Portfolio Advisory Board (PAB) for the past decade, for her “five decades of shareholder advocacy on behalf of people and planet.”  

In granting the award to Pat, the ICCR noted that she “has dedicated her life and career to serving and speaking out for the ‘least of these my brothers and sisters.’ Her care and concern for the dignity of each person is at the core of her being, her faith, and her mission to advance corporate respect for human rights from the community to corporate boardrooms. Pat has been indispensable in her service to ICCR, both as a board member and as an active member and leader of several working groups.”

The PAB joins the ICCR in celebrating Pat’s dedication to our shared work and the legacy of impact on corporate policies!

Caption for above feature photo: Pat Zerega, center, former consultant to the Portfolio Advisory Board, holds the 2024 Legacy Award from the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR). With her are, from left, Rob Fohr, Chair of the ICCR Board; Katie McCloskey, Vice President of Social Responsibility for Mercy Investments; Susan Markos, retired Vice President of Social Responsibility for Mercy Investments; and Josh Zinner, CEO of ICCR.

A ship floats amongst a sea of spilled oil in the Gulf of Mexico after the BP Deepwater Horizon oilspill disaster.

By Mary Minette
Mercy Investments Consultant

Image attribution: kris krügDeepwater Horizon Oil Spill - Gulf of MexicoCC BY-SA 2.0

August 19, 2024, Adrian, Michigan – In the 2023-2024 proxy season, the Portfolio Advisory Board (PAB) filed 19 shareholder proposals. Eight were withdrawn for agreement; eight went to a vote; two were omitted from the proxy statement; and one (Smith & Wesson) will be voted on in September. 

According to the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR), overall shareholder filings decreased from 460 in 2023 to 400 in 2024. Climate change continues to be the top issue area for filing, but human rights and workers’ rights were the second highest issue area filed this year. 

The top industries receiving shareholder proposals in 2025 were banks and oil and gas companies. Amazon, Meta, Alphabet, ExxonMobil, and Chevron continued to receive the most shareholder filings. In 2024, the PAB filed at all of the above companies except for Chevron.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) allowed companies to omit 52% more proposals from their proxy statements in 2024 than in 2023. Two proposals filed by the PAB were omitted from proxies. Both proposals requested more detail from large U.S. banks regarding their climate transition plans.

The PAB filed shareholder proposals with five pharmaceutical companies concerning their patenting practices and how they impact patient access to affordable medicines. One proposal went to a vote, and four were withdrawn for agreement. Notably, Pfizer agreed to make significant improvements in its Human Rights Policy as well as committing to establish a human rights due diligence process around its pricing and access initiatives in the next 12 months. Gilead agreed to provide additional disclosure, including listing all the in-force patents it currently has on its top five selling drugs.
The PAB co-filed a resolution asking Exxon to issue a report evaluating the economic, human, and environmental impacts of a worst-case oil spill from its expanding operations offshore of Guyana. During a call with investors, Exxon shared additional information on how it is enhancing process safety and managing spills. The company also shared that it has assessed the costs of responding to a Guyana spill with an independent third party, assuring the company that $2 billion would cover the cost of the spill. Based on the information shared by the company, investors decided to withdraw the proposal. 

However, in January, ExxonMobil took the extreme step of suing two small shareholders to keep a climate change proposal off their proxy ballot, rather than going through the SEC “no action” process to ask for approval to omit the proposal. The company elected to continue the suit even after the shareholders agreed to withdraw the proposal and took an aggressive stance against other shareholders with proposals on its proxy ballot, questioning whether they were “real” investors or merely activists with an “extreme agenda.” 

In response, several ExxonMobil shareholders filed exempt solicitations urging their fellow shareholders to vote against members of the board, including CEO Darren Woods and lead independent director Joseph Hooley.  

Despite these actions indicating shareholder disapproval of company leadership, ExxonMobil continued with its aggressive stance and its lawsuit. The lawsuit was finally dismissed by a court in Texas after the shareholder proponent agreed in writing not to refile their climate proposal with the company in the future. 

Attending the ICCR conference are, from left, Sister Susan Mika, OSB, Sister Ann Scholz, SSND, Sister Judy Byron, OP, Timnit Ghermay and Sister Marilín Llanes, OP.

By Mary Minette
Mercy Investments Consultant

December 8, 2023, New York, New York – The Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility’s (ICCR) annual Fall Conference took place October 3-5, 2023, in New York City and featured a variety of speakers and events that related to the work of the Adrian Dominican Sisters Portfolio Advisory Board (PAB). 

The event also provided an opportunity to celebrate the contributions and retirements of Sister Judy Byron, OP, Director of the Northwest Coalition for Responsible Investment, and Pat Zerega, Senior Director of Shareholder Advocacy for Mercy Investment Services. Both have provided many years of staff support to the PAB. 

Defending shareholder rights was a central topic of this fall’s ICCR gathering because of the growing number of bills introduced at the state and federal levels, aiming to prohibit investor consideration of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors. (For an explanation of ESG investment and anti-ESG bills, read this recent article.) With 2023 ESG shareholder proposals seeing decreased support, investors discussed potential actions, namely offering public support for the SEC’s forthcoming disclosure rules and engaging large asset managers on their voting practices. 

Another session focused on providing investors with tools to engage asset managers on proxy voting. Following the recent rise of anti-ESG sentiment, asset managers significantly decreased their support for shareholder resolutions in their 2023 proxy voting. Asset managers oversee the holdings of investors, their clients, assuring that their decisions on behalf of the investors are made in good faith, aligned with the client’s responsible screening criteria.

ICCR members are urged to engage their asset managers on disclosure of voting policies, with progressive escalation steps for unresponsive managers, including switching assets to a competitor if the asset manager refuses to act.

In another emerging issue, a panel of presenters discussed the growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI), mindful of its impacts on society and democracy. The keynote speaker, Nathalie Maréchal from the Center for Democracy and Technology, explained that the most important decision is when not to use AI in modern work, citing the rise of disinformation, fraud, and misuse of data.

ICCR members continue to advance worker justice issues, and the conference included a session on advocating for companies to provide a living wage. The session’s panel members included an associate at a large retail chain who provided insight into the challenges facing workers, such as low wages, minimal benefits, and employer retaliation for employee criticism. 

A researcher on the panel illustrated the negative impact that underpaying workers can have on long-term shareholder value, as studies show that a living wage supports employee retention and productivity. 

The Racial Justice Investing Coalition moderated a session on racial justice-focused investing and its impact on fostering a stronger democracy. The session provided investors with a chance to learn about best practices from investors already working on this issue.

Another panel offered a presentation on pressing for corporate action on environmental justice and emphasized centering racial equity in climate work, engaging local communities in joint decision-making, and holding parent companies accountable for pollution from owned facilities.

In another session on company accountability, speakers addressed human rights due diligence (HRDD) and responsible contracting. Speakers explained the importance of supply chain contracts, highlighting that shifting risk onto a supplier is not the same as risk management. The panel members recommended that investors advocate for responsible contracts that feature shared commitments and prioritize human rights. 

The ICCR conference provides a valuable opportunity to strategize with fellow faith-based investors for the current shareholder advocacy season.

Caption for feature photo at top: Attending the ICCR conference are, from left, Sister Susan Mika, OSB, Sister Ann Scholz, SSND, Sister Judy Byron, OP, Timnit Ghermay and Sister Marilín Llanes, OP.

October 5, 2021, New York, New York – Fifteen members of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) drew support from 43.9% of the shareholders of Smith & Wesson for a proposal that the gun manufacturer adopt a comprehensive human rights policy in light of rising gun violence in the United States.

The Adrian Dominican Sisters, represented by Sister Judy Byron, OP, were the primary filers of the proposal. Fourteen faith-based organizations from ICCR co-filed.

In a press release, ICCR noted that this amount of support from shareholders – compared to 39% support for a similar proposal in 2019 – “demonstrates shareholders’ mounting concern with the company’s lack of attention to the growing risks of gun violence.” The proposal calls on Smith & Wesson to include in the policy “a description of the processes the company will use to identify, assess, prevent, and mitigate adverse human rights impacts.”  

“Undisputedly, something must be done about the misuse of guns in our country,” Sister Judy said in her September 27, 2021, Shareholder Statement. “As a leading firearms manufacturer we genuinely believe Smith & Wesson has the knowledge and the expertise to engineer the solutions we need to reduce gun violence and save lives.” 

A consultant to the Adrian Dominican Sisters’ Portfolio Advisory Board, Sister Judy went on to note that the intention of the proposal is not to put Smith & Wesson out of business or to abolish the Second Amendment. “We seek to make the business, the products, and the consumers who buy them, safer,” she said. “We seek – as everyone here must surely do – to save lives.” 

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March 5, 2018, Adrian, Michigan – The Adrian Dominican Sisters’ Portfolio Advisory Board (PAB) continues its 43-year-old mission of socially responsible investing with a new structure and staff. The changes were outlined in a recent presentation to Adrian Dominican Sisters living on the Motherhouse campus.

Much of the presentation focused on the new structure of the PAB, which was put into place after the December 2016 retirement of Lura Mack, long-time Executive Director of the PAB. Most recently, Dee Joyner, Chair of the PAB at the time, was asked to serve as director of the Congregation’s new Office of Resilient Communities. This office was established to help the Congregation live out its 2016 General Chapter Enactment to “facilitate and participate in creating resilient communities with people who are relegated to the margins.” Dee, an Adrian Dominican Associate, had served as Vice President of Commerce Bank and Economic Developer of St. Louis County, Missouri. While she is no longer the Chair, her new position involves overseeing the PAB.

The PAB is now headed by Co-chairs Rosemary Martin, former Chair of the Community Investment Committee, and Kathy Woods, former Chair of the Corporate Responsibility Committee. The two committees – now working as one streamlined Board – represent the dual functions of the PAB. 

In introducing the two new Co-chairs, Dee noted the “wealth of experience” they bring to their new role on the PAB. Kathy, a former Adrian Dominican Sister, was one of the founding members of the PAB, with extensive experience in not-for-profit organizations, particularly hospital work and counseling. Rosemary, an Adrian Dominican Associate from North Carolina, also has been involved in the non-profit world. She founded and directed an international adopting agency, placing more than 2,000 children from other countries into loving homes in the United States. She now works for an accreditation company for service organizations.

In both corporate responsibility and community investments, the PAB collaborates with other communities of women religious. Pat Zerega, senior director of shareholder advocacies for Mercy Investments, works with the PAB in the area of corporate responsibility. The PAB also collaborates with other members of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility in working with corporations to help them to be more socially responsible in their actions and policies. 

Since the retirement of Lura Mack, who did much of the work with community investments, the PAB sought the help of an organization that could help in that area. Members of the PAB unanimously chose the Religious Communities Investment Fund (RCIF), founded and directed by Adrian Dominican Sister Corinne Florek, OP.

Kris Cooper, Office Manager, has served the PAB on the staff since 2013. Other members of the PAB are Sister Patricia Leonard, OP, Associate Director of St. Ann Place, a homeless hygiene center in West Palm Beach, Florida; Sister Marilín Llanes, OP, school psychologist in Joliet, Illinois; Lloyd Van Bylevelt, an Adrian Dominican Associate who serves at the Peace Education Foundation in Miami; Marcy Brown, Vice President in Commercial Treasury Management at First Federal Bank in Adrian; and Margaret Weber, who works for the Basilian Fathers in Toronto in the area of socially responsible investment. Sister Elise García, OP, is the General Council liaison to the PAB. Pat Zerega and Adrian Dominican Sisters Judy Byron, OP, and Corinne Florek, OP, serve as consultants.

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Portfolio Advisory Board,  Adrian Dominican Sisters | 1257 E. Siena Heights Drive | Adrian, Michigan 49221
Phone: (517) 266-3523 | Email our office: