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Adrian Dominican Sisters Call for Unity and Pursuit of the Common Good After the Election
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November 9, 2016, Adrian, Michigan – In a letter to the Congregation, the General Council of the Adrian Dominican Sisters underlined President-elect Donald Trump’s pledge to reach out to those who did not support him for help and guidance so that "we can work together and unify our great country." 

For the past eight weeks, the Sisters and Associates of the Congregation have been praying that “the common good of all people and planet rises as a central concern for all candidates and voters this election.” In their letter, the General Council called for a rededication to the common good as expressed in the new direction (“Enactments”) set by the Congregation for the next six years at their February 2016 General Chapter.

“Our Enactments call us to be signs of [the] life-giving work of God in our midst, especially among those who might read the results of this election as a condemnation – our Muslim brothers and sisters, our Mexican neighbors, immigrants who have long called this country home, women victimized by sexual assault, people with disabilities,” the letter states.

The Sisters further noted, “This election calls on us to reach out to friends and neighbors, who responded to the message for change but do not endorse the ugly speech of the campaigns, in our common cause to improve the lives and well-being of all our people. Let us manifest our unshakable belief in the power of peace, non-violence, and the possibility of creating resilient communities.”

Read the letter and the Enactments, which call on the Congregation to respond to the spiritual longings of the world, help build resilient communities, mitigate climate change and ecological degradation, and invite others to vowed and Associate life and collaboration. The Sisters convene a General Chapter every six years to set the direction for the Congregation and elect new leadership.

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Avatar  Carol Elsholz 7 years agoReply

I join you Sisters and Associates of Adrian with prayer and hope for the good of us all. Somehow, in spite of deep disappointment in this election, I want to believe that our prayers are answered, giving us the challenge to know each other. I noticed that Psalm 46 was in the readings for Nov. 8, and found the first verse to help me at this time.



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